Excessive shouting can lead to muscle tension in the neck and throat, potentially causing discomfort or pain

Chronic shouting can strain the muscles involved in breathing, potentially leading to respiratory problems over time

Chronic shouting can lead to the development of vocal fatigue, making it challenging for individuals to speak for extended periods without experiencing discomfort

Overuse of the vocal cords through shouting can lead to the development of chronic voice disorders, which may require medical intervention

Chronic shouting may contribute to the development of vocal cord polyps, which can affect the quality and strength of one's voice

Shouting may escalate conflicts or arguments, leading to increased stress levels and potential long-term relationship challenge

Shouting can cause a temporary increase in heart rate, which, if frequent, might lead to cardiovascular issues in the long run

Shouting may lead to heightened feelings of guilt, regret, or embarrassment, especially in situations where it causes harm or distress to other

The impact of shouting on the nervous system can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to sleep disturbances and potential insomnia

Shouting in enclosed spaces can result in increased exposure to noise-induced hearing loss, especially in cases where the volume exceeds safe decibel level